• Real Estate
  • Life
  • Storytelling

Fresh Start

I was a teenager when I remember declaring I wanted to be a real estate agent. Pretty early for most to decide to make their way into a profession with a median age of 60, many of whom make their way there as a second or third career choice. Nonetheless, it's how I remember it, but we'll get there.

Fast forward almost 20 years later, and I've been in my chosen profession of real estate for almost a decade. It's never been "easy" for me. I have my ups and downs with it. I have struggles and challenges like many. I have heard on multiple occasions something to the effect of, "You don't seem like a realtor." This is not lost on me, has probably impacted the way I see myself in the profession and, I surmise, is not unrelated to my struggles.

I find myself still struggling to find my niche in the field. I easily get caught up in comparison or struggle to keep up with the pace the industry often requires. As a sensitive, empathic human, subjecting myself to the whims of everyone's energy is often incredibly draining. My energy ebbs and flows. I often long for days of building spec homes and selling them with my family in Vermont, but I gave that part of my life up. Again, we'll get there.

Recently, I decided to make a brokerage change after being affiliated with the same brand for most of my career. It feels like time for me to try something new, start fresh, start with new systems, challenge myself. After all, the almost 33-year-old woman writing now is not the 23-year-old girl who started down this path. Although some days it feels like she's still calling the shots.

As I embark on this new journey at a new brokerage, I figure what a perfect time to refocus on my creative inclinations in real estate. I started a blog years ago and would occasionally post and use it as a creative outlet. I have maintained that practice with very little routine and find it is often more broadly focused on life than real estate.

So, what a perfect time to challenge myself to more regular reflection. I view this as an exercise in exploration and creativity. An exploration of self and real estate and storytelling. A creative expression and endeavor that I hope brings clarity, connection, clients and professionals into my orbit who vibrate on a similar wavelength. A focus on the storytelling of real estate in a phase where, like many things in the world now, the storytelling is often lost in a fast-paced race to keep up with ever-evolving trends and striving toward more, growth, success, etc...

If I'm being honest, I'm not sure these musings will be anything anyone actually reads or gleans anything from. If I'm being honest, I think they're mostly for me. If I'm being honest, maybe I also hope they do find their way to people with whom they'll resonate.

So, here's to a fresh start with a new brokerage. A refreshed start on a creative adventure. An adventure using my creative bandwidth to explore, tell stories, and hopefully find a key that unlocks a door (or doors) I've struggled to open, or even find, for almost a decade.

💗 Court